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[–]Alienhunter糞大名 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Dunno about that, Jones is fucking hilarious and I think he's a comedian doing a bit that stumbled on a gold mine and the bit kept going. I just think there's a lot of people out there who buy the snake oil. I've seen a bunch of scams thinking "my god who will fall for this shit" well, lot's of people will. You prey on peoples religious fears you can basically short circuit the rational parts of their brain, had this argument many times with people over mark of the beast scare scams.

"You realize that there's no way to prepare for armegeddon right? You just need to trust that God will protect you and live your life"

"But what if you're wrong, better buy it anyway"

Flipping through American television once I stumbled upon some guy pretending to be a pastor selling "no evil oil". Which was oil prayed over by a virgin for 7 days or some shit, put it on pictures of your family members to get good luck, sorry I mean divine providence. It's basic witchcraft, magic practice. Common among all cultures, I think it's just the modern american version of it, people trying to find a "hack" in the universe to get free shit, and people sitting around taking advantage of that.

Weight loss, you could eat more healthy and exercise more, fucking easy to figure out, not so easy to actually do. Or you could go with some trendy diet pill or weird method someone has cooked up and is selling in their get rich quick scheme, sorry lose weight quick scheme.


Most people are stupid. Conservative, liberal, high IQ, low IQ, doesn't matter. Humans would rather waste time and money trying to figure out some kind of life hack than just doing the shit they need to do and finishing faster than it takes to figure out the life hack.

[–]Jiminy 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

I can see that, economies of scale, there's billions of people, out of them there must be millions of dumb boomers at least, if a million people each give you ten dollars, you're doing well.

[–]Alienhunter糞大名 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

They all find a hook that will work on someone. I think a lot of it is driven by anxious paranoia about stuff out of their control. A super smart person might laugh at shit like flat earth and the lizard people but be utterly terrified of imminent and totally economic collapse and be an easy target for the gold merchants. That's a big one on a lot of conservative media. They know their marketing angles. Protect your family, protect your future, buy a heavy metal you can't eat or use in any practical way that the government has seized in the past and likely will do again if shit really fucks up. People buy loads of it. I've always thought, if I really thought that the economy was gonna collapse and gold was the answer, I'd be fucking buying gold from people not selling it. Obviously they don't believe their own pitch.

Same with health stuff. Prey on people's insecurities and fears. Literally the snake oil pitch from forever ago.

I think liberals and conservatives tend to fall for different sorts of scams but the underlying reason for it is the same, fear. Conservatives are fearful of some kind of collapse and will buy all sorts of useless crap that promises stability. Liberals, ironically, are kinda the same except their scams usually focus less on maintaining ability and more on some novel way of improving yourself. Afraid you are a racist, well better by the bonefied anti racist training so you to can learn the secrets of not being a racist. Did you know that just talking normally to a black person might be racist, omg!