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[–]Alienhunter糞大名 9 insightful - 2 fun9 insightful - 1 fun10 insightful - 2 fun -  (4 children)

There's a somewhat odd dichotomy I've noticed in American cultural stereotypes of "liberals" vs "conservatives" or right vs left or whatever you want to call it. I think the distinctions are somewhat arbitrary anyway but I digress.

There's this idea that people on the left are more tolerant of other cultures, foreigners, indigenous peoples, etc, which on the surface I think is true to some level, as people on the left tend to be more open to experience than conservatives, on the other hand it seems that the modern "leftwing" is ironically extremely intolerant of actual cultural differences beyond the surface level of dress, food, religious practice etc, and seems to expect that everyone should follow their own cultural paradigm and get upset when people don't, not realizing at all how that is more or less identical to the imperialist mindset they rail against.

On the other hand conservatives tend to be way less tolerant of the surface level stuff, at least in the sense they don't care to participate in cultural activities that aren't their own, but they do seem to in my experience be more willing to treat foreigners or indigenous types the same as they'd treat their own people provided everyone is acting within what they consider to be the "accepted rules" of whatever the local culture is.

It gets a bit funny cause you see immature liberal types start doting on minorities and the minorities rightly call them racist.

Also pretty funny with dealing with any sort of international stuff, get the young kids with no sense going abroad the first time and freaking out that not everyone thinks like a 20 something university student a world away. It's really hilarious in the Arab countries, you get a bunch of dumb broads that think the public morality rules don't apply to them (they do) and hilarity ensues. Been an issue for decades though. Got a funny story from a guy who was working in Saudi in the 70's and had to send a bunch of European executives back home because their wives were total dumbasses who thought they could just go out in public in a bikini because the local rules were "stupid".

[–]bopomofodojo 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

This is precisely it. Liberals (a.k.a. "the left" America and the Anglosphere) are all about surface-level diversity, but not diversity of thought or belief, which is why they're so shocked and taken aback when, for instance, pro-Palestinian ("POC! POC!") protesters beat up a TQ+ kween. They legitimately think that because they're both "disadvantaged by the white man" that they're actually the same on the inside or something. Conservatives, on the other hand, tend to be very divisive about surface-level things, but often change their tune when actually exposed to people from other visibly-different communities that share the same values. It's not quite, but pretty close to, the inverse of liberals.

Both are trivial analyses however. Both fail to recognize that individuals are complex and multi-faceted.

[–]Alienhunter糞大名 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Yeah I think the categorization of people into right or left in the American sense is more for political convenience than any useful metric for identifying people's philosophical motivations.

Regardless it's interesting to discuss. I think as a simple matter of more liberal spaces being generally more open to "cultural exploration" it does mean that you get people who are otherwise aligned with the liberal camp but are for all intents and purposes not tolerant of other cultures and practices at all. Hilarity ensues when this happens. It kinda folds into a general trend against anti-traditionalism as you'll see them outright disrespect the foreign cultural practices they consider to be "backwards" without even realizing the irony of that within the liberal tradition. It's pretty funny. Most people are pretty reasonable when it comes down to it though, but there's always a few crazies that slip through the cracks.

Conservative groups I think have less of the crazy intolerant types skip through the cracks because it's way more culturally acceptable for them to just outright say they don't want to participate in their school trip to Mexico or whatever (doubt Americans do that anymore though) so the only groups I've heard of that happening at all with is church groups which generally as the people are going are people who want to go, they are generally less idiots, the idiots seem to self select out.

It's weird dealing with the extremes though. The extreme leftist stereotypes are like totally stupid when it comes to stuff like international travel, I remember arguing with some hippie idiot in Thailand about how she's got a death wish trying to pet street dogs and she needs to go to a hospital and get a rabies shot even though she feels fine after she got bit, first world spoiled bitch gonna find out why Darwin was right the hard way.

On the other hand have rightwing Americans freaking the fuck out when I tell them I'm popping over to Tiajuana for lunch and a movie. Apparently it's a super dangerous place and they know never to go there because nobody they know has ever gone there. Ok then, let's go together and see if it's so dangerous for ourselves? Or let's believe what the TV tells us.

(It's not like "safe" but unless you are being a dumbass it's probably safer than Los Angeles, at least in the tourist areas).

[–]OuroborosTheory 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

like the cliche of the Republican congressman unable to continue all his past beliefs after his son comes out of the closet: it's a bit Hallmark-y but at least the cliche of it happening is pretty common; the inverse is the Be Kind Dem with one of those "In this house we believe--" yard sign who always calls the cops on people for walking their dogs