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[–]beazer12beard 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

The doublespeak coming from these people is nuts.

A bunch of literal Nazis ran off the TERFs at a public speaking event in the park in Melbourne. Said Nazis disparaged the TERFs as supporters of lesbianism, Israel, and white replacement. And based on this the TRAs say that the women "invited Nazis into their ranks."

Meanwhile in England, they're literally cheering for violent criminals who tell them to be violent. Cheering for "affirmative care" that sterilizes children and make them anorgasmic (like Jazz Jennings). And fun fact, the surgeon for the first vaginoplasty (Erwin Gohrbrandt) would later go on to work for the Nazis, developing human experiments that tortured and killed prisoners at Dachau (testing how long they can survive frigid waters). But I suppose there are only so many jobs you can get with a resume full of crackpot human experimentation.