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[–]ClassroomPast6178 3 insightful - 3 fun3 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

I’m going to preface my comment with this: true bullying, that is the continual picking on someone for things that they have no control over, with or without violence is wrong and has no place in school or the workplace. Teasing and name calling are not usually considered bullying, although a protracted name calling campaign would be.

That being said, this is what happens when you upend social hierarchies in schools, in-still fragility and tell children that hurt feelings are akin to violence. This shit, a man showering naked with little girls, would never happen in a world where conformity was considered a sensible decision for social survival.

Essentially, they have told children that they can explore kink in school without considering the consent of others (that largely cannot consent anyway) and made sure that any one who does complain feels the full force of authority, and at the same time made it impossible for the social group to enforce any kind of group conformity and so now you have literal freaks running the school.

Fuck these demons.

It does demonstrate nicely that well-intentioned interventions, anti-bullying, can have far reaching and extreme unforeseen consequences and should teach us the lesson that we should not be rushing to alter our society of behaviour that has developed over time as it is not always immediately clear why the behaviour developed and what useful functions it might perform. It’s clear that social hierarchy in schools maintains some level of social conformity which is essential for any community of more than a few people.