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[–]Q-Continuum-kin 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

One amusing thing I've found is that where I work you can usually tell if a person does HR or managerial work vs hands on laboratory work based on how they use MS teams during an all employee meeting. Basically all the HR and managerial people keep their cameras on at all times for literally no reason other than to chew up bandwidth. Everyone else keeps their cameras off at all times, including while presenting, and most of us also don't even have a profile picture.

We also have a monitor with a webcam that slides in and out of the panel which I never see extended on anyone's screens. Today I came in and noticed that someone had gone around and slid out every single webcam in the office & i immediately slid the camera back in upon sitting down.

The thing about AI is that it needs to be trained on some user data. The HR and managerial people are obsessed with the image of things so they probably flagged a bunch of interviews with people who spent more time setting up a scene for the webcam than learning how to do the job at hand. This includes having a fancy bookcase and nice lighting etc...