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[–]1-800-FUCKOFF 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

This is what all humanities papers are like nowadays. Basically long essays where they present opinions and made up garbage pulled from other papers of the same sort and try to make you believe any of it is scholarly work presenting the result of "research". It's a web of bullshit that's essentially all ideology. None of it has any scientific basis, you just have to make it sound authoritative and complex and it's basically assumed you know what you're talking about. The dog park rapes and male penis as an abstract concept (paraphrasing, forgot the exact title) hoax papers proved that without a shadow of a doubt.

Massive academic circle jerk that's 95% sophistry and 5% hot air.

[–]Q-Continuum-kin 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

In some regards it's worse than that because they pull real data from actual scientific work then write up a sociology paper with a conclusion unrelated to what the actual scientists presented.

My classic example is always a paper where neurologists counted a type of brain cells called BSTc in actual cadavers. A very small number of those cadavers were of people who identified as trans. When they averaged out the number of cells those MtF trans brains were closer on average to the average female brain. For many years every TRA would cite this as evidence that MtF brains were literally female. I once had a TRA give me a list of say 20 papers "proving MtF have female brains". When I checked the sources it turned out that all but 1 paper was just a sociology paper which referenced the same original BSTc paper.

The thing is that the number of trans brains in the study were not even statistically relevant. There were many arguments made about attempting to early diagnose children based on this data point without realizing that the procedure required dissection of the brain. They also couldn't comprehend the way statistics work in that far more straight men had the same count as the MtFs because the counts were a normal distribution. It also didn't take other reasons for the count into consideration such as neuroplasticity.

Eventually the original scientists were forced to come out and tell people to stop using their paper to create their own conclusions then they released a follow up study which essentially debunked the entire ecosystem of sociology papers which claimed to use this research for their conclusion.

This is really much worse because it gives their BS narrative so much more credibility in the eyes of the media and the public who are largely scientifically illiterate. For me it was relatively easy to debunk their "evidence" but they overwhelm you with information so the average person can't even understand how to argue or verify the sources and even if they are able it's just so much shit to sift through that most people just give up the moment they see 20 papers linked.

[–]ClassroomPast6178 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Alan Sokal’s original publication and then the more recent The Grievance Studies/Sokal2 affair expose the worst of what the humanities and social sciences have become. The fact that they changed nothing, except made journals check IDs before accepting submissions, as they were more upset by the fact that they were tricked but not interested in addressing what was exposed because it turns out that social science and humanities publications are a massive scam set up to enable third-rate academics to keep their jobs/get tenure through publishing garbage in low tier journals where the reviewers are just passing publications so that their garbage gets passed too.

I have multiple publications in top tier medical journals and this shit makes me sick.