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[–]SerpensInferna 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Ehhhhhh, my own personal experience is a bit different than yours. I know and know of many trans, I have interests in a few subcultures that lay out the red carpet for them, and I have had terrible experiences with the majority of them. It's to the point where I will just avoid them at all costs now. I credit my RL relationships with transpeople to largely bringing me to the peak of Mount Terf.

[–][deleted] 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Yup this has been my experience as well.

[–]Vulptexghost fox girl ^w^ 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

You said you meet them a lot in subcultures. Those are the perfect breeding grounds for nutcases, including progressive virtue signalers. If it's part of their identity at all, and it is if they make sure everyone knows it, then that's who you're dealing with. My raging liberal cousin posts on social media about nothing but being gay, and he's insufferable and refuses to visit his own immediate family because they support Trump and aren't ultra-far-left SJWs who always side with the narrative, which is somehow racist and homophobic. Now if he didn't act like that, it's unlikely that you'd find out he's gay in passing because he wouldn't talk about it 90% of the time. And with trans people it's even worse, because 75% of them are trenders who are either virtue signaling like that or want to do things like cheat in womens' sports and enter the womens' locker rooms. Another 20% is young girls trying to fit in while being pressured to "come out" as something "queer", and they end up detransitioning and becoming terfs because the movement tricked them and now they have to live the rest of their lives as basically trans women. Anyone who talks about "gender identity" or touts this as "healthy and normal" or even brags about it, you can be pretty sure is from one of those crowds. I really hate it when the narrative exalts something so debilitating and distressful as "healthy". Do they secretly have something against disabled people, that they can't call it that lest it be "hateful"? This is not like autism where someone is just atypical and it would be evil to try to "fix" them, it's a disease that no one wants, or would want if they knew what it's like, it directly burdens the victim, and this burden is not from society being "intolerant". It's also an excuse to bring back gender roles, because the media and public school classrooms are teaching kids that gender non-conformity = you're not that gender, because they think it's not biological and is purely a social construct. I bet they're going to start saying gender dysphoria is transphobic soon, because it's caused by biological sex which you're not allowed to acknowledge, only "gender identity" based entirely on gender norms and what society deems is masculine vs. feminine vs. cat vs. furry vs. Dream personality. Actually they're already starting to. And I'm not even sure what their goal is with all this nonsense, other than it being a competition to see who can be the most woke, and a convenient excuse to shut down their opponents for "hate speech", which by their standards is impossible to avoid.