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[–]Neo_Shadow_Lurker 4 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

Some people on the left really need to drop the gratuitous use of the term "incel" as an insult, not only because it's stupid, but also because of the fact that people who have lots of sex with women can still be misogynist (and vice versa).

In the way the term is used currently, it makes it sound that they're just shaming people for not having sex.

[–]ClassroomPast6178 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

It’s nothing new. Prior to the popularity of the term “incel” there was the image of the basement dwelling troll, who invariably was a low status male who engaged in computer/video games in their parents’ house because they were both too poor/lacking in social skills and independence to afford their own residence, and were so physically unattractive that the opposite sex refused to grace them with sex.

It’s ironic that the social movement that embraced sex positivity, fat acceptance, neurodiversity, mental health, body positivity and argued against punching down, privilege, slut shaming, victim blaming etc, would resort to shaming people based on sexual activity (or lack thereof), appearance, mental health/autism, financial status and living arrangements.

It’s doubly ironic as at the same time they were going full on to demonise those losers in their basements, they were trying to colonise and co-opt those same “losers’”culture and hobbies, and then acting as if the “losers” were in the wrong when they complained about being forced out of their own culture, all the while the colonisers crowed about the evils of cultural appropriation.

It’s positively Orwellian, and it really is no wonder that there’s a whole generation of young men that feel rejected and left behind, they actually have been.

Oh and I’m not an incel/mgtow/MRA or any of those things, just an observer fed up of watching a group of people suffer “why are you hitting yourself” -level bullying writ large.