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[–][deleted] 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (5 children)

I agree with socialized medicine as a principle but only with lots of exclusions.

The exclusion principle is simple: You made your bed, lie in it.

Self-harm (including that resulting from drug abuse), obesity, etc. Drunk driving accidents (self-victimized). Like cutting yourself and you cut too deep on accident? I have major problems with my tax dollars going towards any this sort of self-inflicted misery.

Since I've yet to encounter anyone advocating for responsibility driven healthcare entitlements, I can't support it in any form I've seen it put forward.

[–]JasonCarswell 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)

Drug abuse is more than just self harm - as is obesity. It's socially engineered, from the Cocaine Import Agency to making it a crime rather than mental health issue. Big Macs don't make themselves, nor do they regulate or subsidize themselves. Big Macs are just as much Big Gov as anything else.

Many mental health issues are also socially engineered. Social pressure in a tight economy, etc are not accidental. As long as you're working 3 jobs just to survive you're not politically organizing nor questioning authority and their abuses. So why not try to kill yourself in such a corrupt system. Those people need just as much help as anyone.

Once you start making exceptions you slide off the slippery slope of deciding who is worthy and who isn't. And who watches the watchers? Judge not and there is no "us vs them".

If you have major problems with your tax dollars going anywhere, ask why they spend it on bombs not books or Hollywood propaganda and corporate subsidies rather than supporting local artists and communities.

Self reliance and responsibility is to be commended, but not everyone is fortunate enough to be "fully abled" and many of us are even "disabled", longer than average. Everyone starts disabled, and unless you die quickly, you are bound to end disabled to some degrees.

"Personal responisbility" is brainwashing away compassion and community - which is exactly what the corporatocracy wants - weakened individuals who won't stick together to include both the best and worst of us.

The ultra rich pays the rich to tell the middle class that the poor are the problem. #FightElitesNotEachOther

[–][deleted] 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

infinite IQ post

[–][deleted] 1 insightful - 3 fun1 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 3 fun -  (2 children)

The only reason most people don't do stupid shit is consequences. People that do "stupid shit" aren't victims of society, they are victims of themselves and their own poor impulse control and/or time preference.

It's this mantra of "no personal responsibility" that is at the crux of modern problems. In order to make a system with no personal responsibility function you have to limit freedom and legislate away things like big macs, cigarettes, alcohol, guns, etc. Anything someone can use irresponsibly to cause harm.

So, you can have have "no limits" socialism; but by necessity you must then clamp down on personal freedom. Alternatively you could have responsible "socialism" that acknowledges that not everyone is worthy of saving; but provides a lifeline to people that legitimately need assistance and cannot afford it.

[–]JasonCarswell 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

So, corruption has no factor in your world? Rigged systems, biases, unjust aparatus designed to ensnare and tax the common plebs doesn't factor in at all? A matrix of corporate overlords with an insatiable lust for power bent on full spectrum dominance "legitimized" with a monopoly on violence doesn't count for anything?

I'm not saying most people aren't idiots. In fact half of everyone is stupider that average or really fucking close to supider than average, according to the common bell curve. Simply put, most people are average or dumber.

Does that mean, "fuck em all"? I can see that viewpoint. But I won't buy into it.

Smart people are only smart in limited ways. Some people are not smart in any ways. Everyone has stupid moments and accidents. Take your most revered person alive, from Elon Musk to Bill Gates, or whoever you like, and I guarantee you there are an abundance of legit stupid quotes from them. I would wager there are an abundance of accidents they've made over their lives too. Some might even be quite costly, and not just in dollars.

I'm all for personal responsibility. In fact I want more of it from everyone. That doesn't mean I support dropping out the bottom to let those who fuck themselves up fall harder, even to death. Ultimately taking care of everyone costs everyone less. Canada and Europe and other nations already know this to be a fact.

If you have a dozen-million then you are an exception and WTF are you doing on SaidIt. If you believe you will one day be a dozen-million then you're an idiot. Prove me wrong. Hurts me none, gains you all. The fantasy that everyone in the USA can be a millionaire is nonsense, so why should all the firemen, teachers, plumbers, etc expect to be millionaires and fear the "death tax". It's sheer nonsense.

There are worse things at play than having Big Macs available to the plebs. If the corporatocracy (corporations and government, ie city planners) create food deserts where there's no decent groceries in the ghetto, only fast food shit - then that's hardly the fault of someone working 3 jobs to maintain their family (ie. personal and familial responsibility), when they take a shortcut at McGrease.

Timothy Leary was a CIA asset rat, but some of his ideas were okay too. He suggested a "Sin Tax". I kinda like the idea for your "big macs, cigarettes, alcohol, guns, etc. Anything someone can use irresponsibly to cause harm." And I'd add decriminalize all drugs and sex work - but Sin Tax it. As with Canadian taxes, cigarettes are crazy expensive, but the taxes on it cover those idiots who get lung cancer.

Socialism is the opposite of "no limits". It's regulation. All government is socialism, like it or not. But who it benefits varies greatly. Billionaires don't need anymore benefits. Anyone who supports billionaires' "rights" and their "legitimate claims" (ie. to exploit the masses) are blind retarded slaves with Stockholm syndrome.

Flip it another way. "Worthy of saving" should be "worthy of suffering." Society has more than enough means to ease people's suffering but the corporatocracy needs us to suffer so we're too distracted to realize the whole rigged matrix is a scam that only benefits the few and exploits the many. Once the many wake up to this en masse, the game is over.

[–][deleted] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I'm really glad you support Medicaid from the federal government. Community clinics. Planned parenthood. The VA the legislated gift to insurance companies. Ocare and all the federal money we spend on health care. Me I think we should simply do away with the nonsense that cost us twice as much as anywhere else in the world. To not do so out of fear well those are leaps of faith we don't subscribe. And by not taking 30% off the top of spending to pay a middleman is simply fucking crazy talk! Real health Care is smart creates better over all health and stops me paying for those people you think are not American enough. I think the sick need care. You think the sick need a lecture. Facts mater I'm sick of half ass pussy platitudes and defie your regressive thinking and so do 75% of Americans. Join us. We got this