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[–]JasonCarswell 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (6 children)

You always complain, Jason.

False. I openly criticize, constructively, in search of solutions. He is adamant to find none.

Further, I do much more here than "always complain".

Of all people, you are not going to influence me, nor compel me to shut up and bear it, nor take away my freedom of thought and expression.

consistent and with an eye to non-interference as much as possible

False. I know the rules yet he shits on me here and here for stooping to fight fire with fire on a single day against Airbus Bob3 and Chipit (and then again above) - while doing nothing to those who start shit-disturbing. M7 needs to deal with the drama at the source instead of starting drama with me.

M7's consistency is as reliable as Texan weather.

and thus the community that develops is largely the result of minimal censorship, per the mission of the site. That's the point of the site.

Duh. You think I don't know that? The original point of the site was anti-extremes - to counter tribalist extremes, corruption, propaganda, and authoritarianism.

Yet you want me to shut up and be subservient for tranquility sake, despite there being legitimate problems with the social management of this site. M7 has also repeatedly stated this is not a "free speech" site. It's a balancing act with a lot of grey area. People get banned, and most deserve it. Some may not. Even M7 has wobbled by banning /u/useless_aether, then unbanning him, then banning him again.

Though you have many ideas for changes to the site, the implementation of some of those changes would result in a very different site with a very different mission

Nonsense. Prove it. I dare you. Blow my mind.

as I am sure /u/magnora7 is well aware.

More crap. I'm not calling for any change in the ultimate site ownership or his ultimate power at all. I'm calling for more open transparency, interactive processes, and for him to seek help from folks he trusts (obviously not me) to lighten his load so he can be a moderately good leader as he used to be. This "evolution" in no way changes this site's mission in any way. It merely supplements, broadens, and compliments his oversight powers. NOTHING is taken away, only added.

I also think about ways in which Saidit could improve

Then chime in. (And don't suck up.)

if there were a way to deal with the extremists

If I had more ideas how to better swat them I'd share them.

Actually, here is a fine example of how I'm restrained in order to support the initial mission of SaidIt. I could be calling for people log in with their emails, make donations to participate, or any other such ideas that change the paradigm of SaidIt as is. I don't even need or want to be anonymous but I accept and even respect that some people do.

approaches to this should take time

Bullshit! He's had years and waves of trolls that came and went before. He doesn't need more time. He needs to try stuff out. NOTHING needs to be permanent, including "trusted team members". If it doesn't work it's simple to reverse or cancel it - or refine and/or commit to the ideas that work well.

if the site is to remain a non-censsorship [sic] site.

Strawman. Tell DioJr or the LXXX/MoronLeft this is a non-censorship site. I don't expect nor want M7 to stop banning people who are problematic. I simply want more transparency and a more reliable process. I am NOT the only one.

Rather than continually challenge and insult /u/magnora7

I do not continually challenge M7. I hold my tongue most of time.

I never insult M7. I call it like it is. His behaviour speaks for itself.

I recommend you think of alternative approaches that will engage Saiditors

I've been trying. That should be obvious.

Folks like you seem to think it's "complaining", against the "mission", or "challenging and insulting".

You want me to try more so you can shit on me more, hypocrite.

and thereby direct them to a subsaidit for a discussion of those approaches.

For years I've been trying to contain and centralize the drama in something like a SaidIt town square and/or court room. I could make the sub but what's the point if M7 doesn't participate. Only he can make that happen. I even wrote it up again for the 3rd or 6th time here. Years ago I suggested /s/IdeasForSaidIt, d3rr made it and I co-modded for a while. Recently I started /s/PhoenixForum to discuss dreaming beyond SaidIt where we might have a better chance of having these ideas in 6 fields realized - and much more.


Next time, stick your dick in your own ear and mind your own business, polite shit-disturber and kiss-ass. M7 can speak for himself.

[–]magnora7 3 insightful - 3 fun3 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 3 fun -  (4 children)

Next time, stick your dick in your own ear and mind your own business, polite shit-disturber and kiss-ass

Please don't repeatedly drag discussion quality down the pyramid of debate Jason.

[–]JasonCarswell 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (3 children)

Dude. You fucking fell for the bait YET AGAIN.

Let me be clear. I'm NOT trying to trap or troll you.

However, you're helping me build a solid case - against yourself. Of all the things outlined that you chose to comment on - you focused on that little bit at the end. Did you even read the rest?

YOU are on a witch hunt.

I'm NOT your witch. We all know there are MUCH bigger issues to deal with than me and my little rebellious potty mouth. We all know you're refusing to make any acknowledgements of my claims nor attempted to refute them or even tried to justify your apparent lack of action.

Make me understand and I'll shut the fuck up. I prefer being open, but private message if you like. Feel free to set up your own bait things if you wish. I'm not afraid. If you tell me something in confidence and the LXXX/MoronLeft broadcast it you'll know I'm in league with them. I can guarantee you that won't happen though. Obviously you don't have to explain nor justify anything - and I don't have to stop complaining proposing solutions.

I'm here to help SaidIt. You're determined NOT to help SaidIt in these few instances for unknown reasons. Are you a limited hangout? Is this site a psyop for the establishment to study antiauthoritarians or something? Are you unable technically or mentally or emotionally? I could go on speculating for shits and giggles but none of that matters. We already agree on 97% of everything.

If you don't want to do my idea or something else (preferably better), let others develop it and present it for your approval. You'll still always have the ultimate power.

Please, just talk to us, or just me, about these proposed helpful ideas. Make me understand, earn my 100% respect, and I'll stop bringing it up. I'm already 97% in your corner - just sit me down and explain.

[–]magnora7 5 insightful - 4 fun5 insightful - 3 fun6 insightful - 4 fun -  (1 child)

Calm down. You are a guest here, and I'm simply asking you to follow the rules like everyone else.

[–]JasonCarswell 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Calm down.

If I wasn't calm my thoughts wouldn't be so organized. Being dismissive does not give you the look you want.

You are a guest here, and I'm simply asking you to follow the rules like everyone else.

You know I'm more than just a guest here.

I already know the rules. Look at the length of that comment, easily over 90% of it was constructive. I'll be generous and say the bit of sass at the end was 10%. The comment remains 80% constructive.

You don't ask everyone to follow the rules, for much worse infractions.

You still haven't responded to the real issues here. Avoidance is a technique the asstrolls utilize. You and they are apples and orangutans, without comparison other than your stubbornness and avoidance.

I'd prefer you share your reasons, publicly or privately, to win me over. I really want to be 100% behind you. Until I understand, I'll keep calling out bullshit and hypocrisy as I see it (including yours) and I'll keep proposing ideas and promoting solutions.

[–][deleted] 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Jason - I am not trying to "shit on" anything

I see that you're often concerned (if not complaining) about the state of Saidit and its managememnt, and you've spent countless hours developing sophisticated approaches to website management. My main point here is that - because you continue to be so concerned - you can put all of that to good use in other ways. Don't take it personally. Yes, I've seen /s/IdeasForSaidIt and /s/PhoenixForum . I'm certainly not a 'kiss-ass' - absolutely no one at this website agrees with me about anything, including M7, and I am not trying to change anyhing. I am just here for discussions, as odd as it may seem, and I am not interested in speaking with people who agree me. Not much to learn in that case. I am flattered, BTW that I can potentially put my dick in my ear.