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[–]Jesus 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

First read John Mearsheimer's book. And then Thomas Suraez's book titled 'StateTerror: Terrorism Created Modern Israel.'

Mearsheimer, a Jew, has exposed the utter criminality of AIPAC and the Jewish lobby.

Thomas Suraez has written a prolific work on Zionist terrorism which the revisionist Zionists were not shy about admitting. Begin, admits, as the former head of the Irgun, a revisionist Zionist terrorist group, which renamed itself into the Likud, presently under the control of Netanyahu, that they are the orchestrators of all the terror in the west. Begin, then corrects the interviewer and says: "In all the world."

It is no surprise then that the Likudniks planned 9/11 and then blamed it on muslims as a pretext to invade Iraq and kill millions to secure Israel and Balkanize the middle-east. Initially, this agenda was at odds with US oil interests. James Petras makes a great case in his book 'The Power of Israel,' illustrating that the push for war was very much a Jewish affair and in actuality hurt oil interests. But of course, ultimately, the Bush/Saudi alliance (just as corrupt as the Likudniks and their 5th column neoconservatives), although one should not assume they were the primary orchestrators of the attacks when little proof exists, made a deal with the Likudniks. They knew if they exposed to the world the real perpetrators of 9/11, Israel and its people would be wiped off the map. The media was quite keen on blaming Palestinians and neo-Nazis in the first hours of the attacks. The CIA aligned fronts sought a different but highly unlikely candidate, Bin Laden who was an arch enemy of Saudi Arabia! Bin Laden, as a CIA asset had a meeting with the Bush family several days before 9/11. It appears, to me at least, and from the telling footage of Bush at the elementary school that they were hoodwinked, bamboozled by the Likudniks and Neocons. They chose to blame a CIA asset because it was convenient for Israel and for their own geopolitical and national interests. The simulated Saudi hijacker patsies also had Mossad handlers and carefully planned stories most likely written in advance to sell the story to the media. The crop duster narrative, tin coated Anthrax, or hijackers meeting with German intelligence are just hilarious pre-written narratives that they certainly had backups for if something went wrong.

When one reads into the policy paper "Securing the Realm' by pro-Likudnik, dual-Israeli neoconservatives who can laughably obtain positions of power in the US government, Saudi Arabia looks like a satanic enemy to them. The Likudniks are known to work with the Saudis via US and western proxies, but during 9/11 their main goal was to pin it on the Palestinians, Iraq and Saudi-Arabia, the latter on good terms with the Bush oil oligarch family. None of the narratives made much sense, but it didn't have to. The event was all that was needed to wash away critical thought and unify the masses into hysterical warmongers. Bin Laden being blamed was just the icing on the cake.

John MacDonald recently exposed the suspicious stock market trades, not from the company where RT's Kaiser use to work, although that trading company was highly suspicious, but from a group of Jewish families. He discovered that they have connections to the Likud and all happen to live in close proximity to the simulated Saudi hijackers in Hollywood, Florida.

Nevertheless, certain wealthy Jewish Zionists together maintained the current narrative to bolster the "Global War on Terror", which was always the invention of Yinon Oded. Oded stated that in the future terrorists would attack the tallest building in NYC and bring it down to the ground. Netanyahu said very much the same thing twenty years later. A few months before 9/11 during a congressional hearing Netanyahu stated that "some countries need to be bombed into going to war," as he smiled cunningly. CSPAN took down this video. They also took down a video taped before 9/11 where Rumsfeld talks about amalgamating all the agencies into one working whole at the Pentagon, saying that it would take a transformative "event" to change this. He continues, literally stating, as if washing his hands, I would never attack the Pentagon.

(Source: Masud, Enver. 'The War in Islam')

Some might ask, how in the world could the Secretary of Defense attack the Pentagon, In front of its own people? To them I reply, I have no desire to attack the Pentagon.”

Rumsfeld is wiping his hands clean of these crimes. That, or he is letting people in the know understand the coming events that would transpire the very next day.

He then goes on to say, how people are not:

taken aboard...” ...

...they do not register or take action.

“They do not act!”

He then says later on:

“...we know that the thing that tends to register on people is fear, and we know that tends to happen after a Pearl Harbor.”

Foreshadowing anybody????

He then recommends a book on Pearl Harbor.

Keep in mind this is the ONLY video on the Internet showing what Rumsfeld said on September 10th that was not censored. CSPAN has deleted this part of his speech. His wishes would come true on September 11th, with the restructuring of offices and agencies, and the reconfiguring of them to become organized subordinates under central agencies. Rumsfeld also in his bio from 2000 shows he sat on the board as chairman for Salomon Smith Barney who had many businesses in WTC7 building.

I'm also going to cease exposing all the predictive programming throughout the 90's by Dual Israeli Jews in Hollywood. Statistically, the amount of depictions of demolishing the towers compared to a control of the Sears tower and other NYC landmarks in popular films and shows was NOT coincidental. Especially since over 90% of these depictions were either created or directed by Jews with ties to Israel.

It does not take a rocket scientist to see who was really behind 9/11 and the Anthrax attacks. One day after 9/11, the neoconservative Jew Donald Kagan, a man who advocated the goodness of "noble lies", couldn't help but to state that the terrorists have anthrax and we should "get ready for the next biological attack," in his sly, cunning voice. Donald Kagan is the father of Robert Kagan, who grew up as a Trotakyite. Robert is married to Victoria Nuland.