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[–]JasonCarswell[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

CP = good idea. (CP = Counter-propaganda, not cheese pizza which is code for child porn. I don't think I'll ever use it as a short form again - but it is funny, so just this once.)

In my documocumentary outline I have a whole section on how susceptible we all are to mind control and manipulation. Whether it's as simple as optical illusions, repetition, advertising, engineered campaigns, or illusionists magic shows used for good entertainment - what if they used those skills for evil exploitation - as they do.

I would include more on these aspects of our human weaknesses and need for independent thinking if I could find good material on it with the right approach. It's most certainly a necessary aspect and thanks for pointing out that void in the curriculum.

Number 2 is tied into number 1 and without multiple examples of 2 they won't see the pattern of the Machiavellian elite control mesh of dominance. My self included, would see the instance and even a layer or few but not the whole picture - but only after time and exposure does the simple grand scheme actually become clear.

Maybe I need to restate it more clearly. I am quite certain I am not 100% correct. Because I don't have access to their evil secret agencies, secret societies, or even secret government or corporate goings on - how could anyone ever expect to be? That's by design. I'm guessing more like 85%-95% is true but even if only 10% were true we'd have a major crises of staggering proportions that are being ignored by mainstream corporate media and the government. But it's infinitely worse than that.

Career politicians are only the tip of the iceberg. The come and go. The Deep State is all those in government who don't come and go, who are embedded with life long careers - who are NOT elected (even if voting is a joke).

I'm glad you appreciate healthy skepticism, even if it's from an "unhealthy" ("nut") source.

What's wrong with the opposing extreme in your example? She walked away because she couldn't open her mind, but I don't get your point, nor believe in God.

Moon Landing

Long ago I used to wonder if 9/11 was just exploited, or even allowed to happen. It's ridiculously clear that it was engineered from top to bottom, including the post-event Anthrax Attack coverup and silencing of the media and all voices in the government. The only thing that fights Anthrax is Cipro antipbiotic and everyone in the White House was on Cipro, days before 9/11 even happened. Cipro is a hell of an ordeal for anyone's body to endure so it's not something to enter into lightly much less apply to all the "leaders". On Sept 10 Rumsfeldt announced that $2.3 TRIllion were missing, which no one followed up on. There are COUNTLESS other facts that prove it was all an inside job orchestrated by various elites among several governments - the USA, Israel, the UK, and Saudi Arabia. It was actually planed for years earlier but there were too many things that still needed to fall into place thus postponing it.

There's way too much documentation to leave any doubt on this matter. Just watch those documentaries, a few outstanding ones among thousands upon thousands of them.

[–]wizzwizz4 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

I'm guessing more like 85%-95% is true

I don't think it's that much… but I haven't checked, so that's a heuristic based on the status-quo.

but even if only 10% were true we'd have a major crises of staggering proportions

This is the reason I'm still talking to you.

I would include more on these aspects of our human weaknesses and need for independent thinking if I could find good material on it with the right approach. It's most certainly a necessary aspect and thanks for pointing out that void in the curriculum.

See (may be down, but is usually up; check if you need access quickly). Regardless of who's right, if more people learn to think for themselves it'll stop being nuts v.s. sheep and start being people talking to each other about important things. (Note that LessWrong has a pretty big anti-death bias.)

The Deep State is a problem, and one that won't go away until direct democracy replaces representative democracy. But even with direct democracy, we'll still be vulnerable to manipulation from the media – perhaps more so, since there won't be career politicians swaying the manipulation in lots of different directions.

The second panel of the comic is the important part. Insert the weakest theory you've heard in the first panel. The bottom bit is programmer humour, so ignore it.

Also, I wasn't calling you a nut; just saying that many people would call anyone with that set of beliefs one. (And I do know of people who think 9/11 being staged is equally likely as aliens crashing in Area 51 and don't even make coherent arguments; I wouldn't place you in that "nut" category.)

I'd like to see the evidence against the conventional narrative of 9/11 presented in an unbiased way. Especially the thing about Cipro. And why does Anthrax come into it? I don't understand that.

The $2.3 trillion is an incredibly surprising figure, if true; about 1% of all the money in the world! If it were $2.3 billion I'd just blame ordinary bureaucratic error, but… Source?

(I don't tend to watch documentaries, because I don't tend to notice arguments-that-don't-follow-on and other similar manipulation when listening to something. Do you have any articles?)

[–]JasonCarswell[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Thanks for the tip. I don't know what a anti-death bias is.

I like your take on the Deep State.

I don't mind being called a nut because it just shows who's quick to judge and dismiss without weighing the evidence. And if I am legit nuts I've got worse problems than name calling.

I'm not into aliens or angels or demons or any of that woo. (Though Big Foot is an established and well documented hoax.) I'm only into studying the levers of power and manipulation in order to fight for a more fair and peaceful world where Natural Law (in my list with links) is respected above all else.

Start with the best of the best to my knowledge, mostly linked there. Christopher Bollyn had done countless lectures that are online. All are excellent. That's where I'd start. He's also got 2 intentionally very accessible books, one explaining the global terror war and another on 9/11 distilled from his volumes of research and articles on 9/11 in a 3rd large book. Some of the other guys can get dry and obsess about details. But that "short" list of videos (among thousands) should remove most of your doubts.

Thanks for noticing... (I can't believe I forgot) One of the HUGE keys to 9/11 is the Anthrax Attack - how they covered it up - they threatened and silenced the corporate media and Democratic government - PROVEN by the FBI to be an inside job - yet the case was closed, unsolved. It was HUGE at the time amid all the other confusion but is now largely conveniently forgotten. "American Anthrax v1.5", by Robbie Martin (brother of Abby Martin), and director of "A Very Heavy Agenda", are MUST SEE documentaries.


It's LOL funny that I forgot. It's central to my quick summary article a couple years ago, which includes the $2.3 TRillion. Corbett did a video (linked and listed above) about even more money scammed - well worth watching. Corbett also transcribes and sources all his documentaries and work, so if you prefer you can just read it on his site. This is certainly no secret to so you can find countless others reporting on this with ample evidence.

Edit addition: I've known Adam Green of Know More News has been a verifiably good source for some time, but now I'm watching him more. YouTube's algorithm offers me suggestions, including this interview. I don't know if it's good or not but I like it when two respected minds come together. "Christopher Bollyn LIVE with Know More News" (2018-07-09) I listen to/watch everything at 200% speed so it's more like reading. Okay, I watched it. It's mid-advanced-level good stuff but it'd help to know more about 9/11 and Zionism to have a stronger background context going into this video.

Edit addition: with transcript and sources. " Forget for one moment everything you’ve been told about September 11, 2001. 9/11 was a crime. And as with any crime, there is one overriding imperative that detectives must follow to identify the perpetrators: Follow the money. This is an investigation of the 9/11 money trail. "