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[–][deleted] 3 insightful - 3 fun3 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

lol, he's still blaming ip2 when he snitches on himself in videos like the op, and video the op is a summary of.

Honestly, ip2 isn't what it was when it was on SaidIt, yet he's still using the same excuse lol.

Here's the official video where he's confronted in both dms and via an interview (from the op) and admits he's scamming people, but somehow still blames it on ip2 and says it's a fake rumor made up by the no longer existing group (it isn't what it was):

He fucking bought a Tesla one week, same week 50k worth of his coin's pool money was randomly removed from its wallet the same week he bought the Tesla, then he does a live stream picking up his new Tesla one week later, so fucking obvious, doesn't try to hide the dates or parallels or anything! When he'd been bitching about running out of money since the dawn of time.. it really seems like he thinks he found a cash loophole and finally found the "right investment" (what he's been talking about finding for years), that he thinks gives him an infinite money glitch as long as perceptions are good and morale is kept high lol.