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[–]Ladis_Wascheharuum 23 insightful - 2 fun23 insightful - 1 fun24 insightful - 2 fun -  (2 children)

Is there a place online that isn't a shithole of ideological extremism?

I'm giving up on Reddit because of their censorship and transgender virtue signalling BS, but I just got here and what I'm seeing is low-key anti-black racism and right-wing conspiracy theories.

For fuck's sake, is there a place that respects people and has a true live-and-let-live mentality with good discussion?

[–]zerosis 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Idk man. I came here to be free from censorship, but I'm seeing so many crazies here. I 'woke up' from the far left after the TRA's began policing other people's identities, thereby dumping on the 'live and let live' ideology that initially drew me toward progressivism, but this place seems to be drawing in mostly hard right extremists that want to police other people's right to exist in the same way the hard left is currently doing.

Nuance and non-dogmatic thinking is dead, I guess. Fuckin' hell.

[–]rdh2121 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

While I don't disagree with you, the difference here is that you can respond to their vitriol and hate and not be silenced for it, which automatically makes this space superior to the other platforms. I've been trying to call out bullshit here whenever I see it, and actively participating in the community is how we're going to make sure nuanced and non-dogmatic opinions are heard, since, at least currently, they can't be silenced here.