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[–]IamRedBeard 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

What is happening is that people are being held in Concentration, the water is foul, authorities are not allowing the removal of filth, most are getting less than 2000 calories a day and are being denied soap and toothpaste, being packed into some rooms that are standing-room only for over a week at a time. Infants are getting sick and not treated Children are having to look after children with no adult guidance and others held in direct sunlight without shade. And all of this is being done on purpose! Did you read what these people were saying on their Facebook Forum? This mistreatment is On Purpose

You are right. They are not Concentration camps. They are Concentrated Hell.

How would You react if someone in your family disappeared into one?

These are people who's only sin was to be born on the other side of an invisible line.

People and children are dying so yea, We can skip calling them concentration camps and pretty soon, as the death toll rises we can just skip to calling them "Death Camps."

What it is, is Evil and inhumane. Can we stop arguing semantics and labels and call it what it actually is? It is an act of Evil and it is Inhumane.

We dont treat assholes that blow up Marathons this way. We dont treat enemy combatants this way. We dont treat murders this way.

Why are we treating people running from death this way?

Ask yourself some questions, man!!!

[–]Riva 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Then why do they keep walking into them?

These people do not have to illegally cross into the united states, that is their choice. Trying to say 'those poor people' does nothing, they are choosing this. A lot of them are well funded people flying into south america to illegally cross, just like the illegals crossing in Canada.

This doesn't work. It's bullshit.