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[–]LarrySwinger2 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

No, we met on an asexual community.

[–]Questionable 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

That doesn't change anything. In fact, I can't even fathom why you think that matters.

Now read this back to yourself.

I suppose. But the ace girl I cuddled with the other day has a great figure. It wasn't trauma either. She simply realized as a teenager that she was different from her friends in lacking interest in sex. I think she was disappointed that I got a boner during cuddling as well.

Not only are you assigning motives for others over your own in a defensive posture, you are assuming it is wrong to feel sexual desires, and can not even make a definitive statement. You are a self deprecating sucker. You are an easy mark. There is not a single thing you have said that can be viewed as objectify correct.

No, we met on an asexual community.

You randomly hooked up with someone from a forum. And then you snuggled with them, and got an erection. There are so many red flag there, It's like being the lead car in a CCP pride parade. And they are all concealed under a thin layer of slang and trending phrasing that you yourself don't even understand the definitions of.

And based on what? For why? To push back against the fact that the thyroids of obese people don't function properly. Well that, or to simply tell a stranger online about the boner you got while snuggling a rando, in a passive aggressive way to seek validation, and virtue single that you are O.K with the motivations, that you yourself assigned to her.

And to top all that off, your fucking name is "swinger". As if.

[–]LarrySwinger2 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Dude, what are you on about? You're reading things into my post. You and troubleshooter were pathologizing by implying that only ill people are asexual, so I mentioned an anecdote that shows healthy people can also lack interest in sex. I'm not seeking anyone's validation. And there's nothing authoritative about Urban Dictionary. It's obvious that I meant "ace" as an abbreviation for asexual. There's no point in discussing my choice of words.

You seem to be thinking in terms of black and white. Just because I'm not joining the circlejerk of judging strangers for their physique, you think I'm 'on their side' or something like that. You're sperging out over nothing.

[–]Questionable 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Reading into? Nothing you posted was even relevant. Why are you even sharing any of this with us? And again, don't use slang you don't understand. Why are you telling us about your boner? Your online hookups? Fucking bizarre! That's you buddy! That's what you did.

It's obvious that I meant "ace" as an abbreviation for asexual.

Are you mentally deficient? There's no C in asexual! Do you have any idea how to abbreviate words? Do you not realized that Acegirl is a preexisting slang? Of course not, because the meaning of slag is never obvious. In fact, it's primarily why it's used, to grift and obscure intent.

You seem to be thinking in terms of black and white.

Yes, I made a basic objective statement on the sexual urges of those afflicted with obesity. And you slid it sideways, looking for traction. Again swinging the topic towards your boner, for some reason.... For reasons, I can not fathom.

Just because I'm not joining the circlejerk of judging strangers for their physique,

Facts don't care about your virtue signalling. Again, simple observation, that you took in all kinds of weird personal directions.

on their side'

And I have no clue, or care where that came from. As my last reply was about you! And your poor self confidence, and social skills! And how that you, have set yourself up, as a sucker, who doesn't understand the capacities of others to use you, and will easily excuse their bad behavior.

Now, I don't give a fuck about those woman, and according to this discussion thread, neither should you! But again, I was discussing you, and your issues, as you are the one that brought them up out of the blue might I add. Under the false pretense of being an example.

You're sperging out over nothing.

No, I gave you a rational explanation of what I saw, and in reply, you are the "sperging out". Though in your defense, it isn't over nothing. After all, it can be rather jarring, being confronted with a view of how others see you!

Now good day sir!