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[–]jet199 10 insightful - 3 fun10 insightful - 2 fun11 insightful - 3 fun -  (1 child)

You made the mistake of thinking the rapists are a side issue rather than the whol point of the political trans movement.

Judith Butler says rape is gender performance, women choose to let themselves be raped to act out the role of being a woman.

Queer theory believers don't have any sympathy for rape victims, they think they are pathetic and beneath them. They think they are upholding the binary while a trans woman who rapes would clearly be queering labels so would be a good thing in their eyes.

They think they will bring about communist utopia this way (breaking down people boundaries) so to that end anything justifies the means.

This isn't just dumb tribalism, it's a well established ideology with its own internal logic.

By playing along with pronouns and thinking that trans people need extra rights to the rest of us (medical treatment through self diagnosis, another form of removing civilised boundaries) then you are helping people who want to enable rapists. It's all the same movement. This is why the other side will also come down on you hard.

Again not tribalism, it's your own ignorance.

[–]SychoShine509[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Yes, and you have an ideology too with its own internal logic. The insistence that a person must make your position as one or the other such ideology, instead of seeking out their own, is the tribalism.

If Butler said that (I can't say since I haven't read her theses on it), then she's wrong. Gee, who cares. People have opinions and they can be wrong and nobody's a god who is right on everything. Nobody. Execute rapists, if that's what it takes. But if your stopping rape requires rejecting trans people who never have a rapist bone in their body that makes no sense at all.

And regardless, my point here is less to debate the opinion, than to point out the silliness of BANNING that which you disagree with.