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[–]jet199 6 insightful - 3 fun6 insightful - 2 fun7 insightful - 3 fun -  (1 child)

So typical of these spaces when they pick someone to venture into the outside world and then as soon as their fantasy politics hit reality, like an egg hitting the kitchen floor, they turn on that person viciously rather than reassess their ideas at all.

I've seen the same thing with a trans Instagram account. They asked a trans questioning girl to interview a TERF and then when they didn't like the answers they attacked her so badly she not only left the group she turned TERF herself.

[–]Tiwaking 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

jet199 2 insightful - 1 fun - 9 minutes ago So typical of these spaces when they pick someone to venture into the outside world and then as soon as their fantasy politics hit reality, like an egg hitting the kitchen floor, they turn on that person viciously rather than reassess their ideas at all.

I've been trying to find the truth about u/AbolishWork being chosen for the Fox interview. The mods of r/AntiWork claim that they turned down the Fox interview invitation and u/AbolishWork decided to do it anyway. u/AbolishWork claims they were requested for the interview by name and the other mods agreed. Whatever happened, r/AntiWork is dead now - which is hilarious.

I've seen the same thing with a trans Instagram account. They asked a trans questioning girl to interview a TERF and then when they didn't like the answers they attacked her so badly she not only left the group she turned TERF herself.

Thats actually quite sad. They were asked to do an interview and then were attacked for doing the interview by the very people who asked them to do the interview

OliviaYellow heart @terfalicious . Aug 21, 2020 Some of the commenters were even turning on Amy for conducting the interview and accusing her of being a terf.

Keep in mind—these kids VOTED to hear from a terf AND they submitted the questions we answered. Yet somehow, Amy is a terf for doing exactly what they wanted?! 14/

TROONS: Cant live with them. End of Story