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[–]The_Mad_Pirate 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Their "Trans Women are Women" faulty logic is aimed at two things : a) validate those biological males that "transitioned" as "women" and b) escape the fact that those males that transitioned and feel attraction towards other males are just gays who went one step further. If men refuse to date them, then their whole faulty logic falls apart, along with their attempts to get external validation. Not to mention that, because of their own false premise, they interpret the rejection on "trans women" as a rejection of all women, which they use to claim a male's sexual preference is "transmisogyny". EDIT:

And I’ve heard from trans ppl time and time again that all you want in life is just to be accepted as the gender you say you are. Well why is it that even when ppl DO do that, it’s still not enough?

It is very simple : No one, and I mean NO ONE can "defy Nature, defy God"; it is as simple as that, you can demand other people to accept your delusions, but you can't change nature nor ask people to go against nature. Sadly, most of this activists seem to think that they can indeed go against Nature and God.