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[–]shut-up-pizza-face 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I wanted to like it but it left me in a bad mood. No exaggeration! Perhaps because I related to some parts and it brought back bad memories. In my opinion: (SPOILERS AND WAY-TOO-STRONG FEELINGS AHEAD)

  • There wasn't enough humour for a xmas romcom, and the 'humour' that was there was cringey and predictable (falling off roof/getting caught 'stealing' etc). In fact I think all the humour was in the trailer!

  • Most of the characters were just... horrible. The parents suddenly coming round and the sisters suddenly all becoming warm and lovely to each other just wasn't believable after how cold and abrasive they were all the way through the film. I don't know.. it just felt flat, rushed and cheap. Even the kids were sullen!

  • How fucking rich Harper's parents were. As soon as they pulled up to that fuuuuck off HUGE mansion, it immediately felt like it lost more of how I could relate to it. Most people never know anyone that rich! (Why do these xmas movie families always have multi million dollar properties?!)

  • As others have said, yet again it shows toxic lesbian relationships. This is why I loved Bly Manor so much; seeing a HEALTHY, beautiful lesbian relationship that was actually believable (the physical closeness of their bodies when they kissed and other body language) just blew me away. THAT'S what we should be getting. No more of this fucking 'come out the closet/get back in' shit and the actresses look almost repulsed by each other. Ok ok it wasn't that bad in this movie but.. yeah. No lesbian screen romance will ever, EVER compare to Bly.. but I hope I'm proved wrong in the future.

  • Oddly, the thing that really hurt? Jane. I felt AWFUL for her. I literally burst into tears when they trashed her painting and she said she'd spent 100 hours on it... and when they told her to get in the middle for the family photo? No. Fucking depressing. They clearly KNEW they were discarding her all her life and all of a sudden just felt like including her again?! (Can you tell I have parent issues?)

  • Abby and Riley should've been together.

I've been kept a secret and I've been hated by my other half's parents as they thought I'd 'corrupted' their daughter etc, and it fucking hurts. I felt for Abby, I've been in a similar place where my gf flirted with men in front of me, I've been scowled at by her parents and made to feel uncomfortable and tolerated, while my manipulative gf gaslighted me into not going home. I was young and stupid to stay with her so long and there's no way in hell I'd do that now, and I think that's why I felt for Abby so much. Which leads me onto my next point...

  • If I was John in that parking lot near the end, I wouldn't have been able to bring myself to tell Abby to take Harper back. No fucking way, especially after he saw all of Harper's bullshit!! He even said to Abby on the phone she was being a doormat. Did Harper change his mind to think she was worth Abby's love by behaving like she did? Ridiculous.

Instead of feeling Christmassy and cheery, I pretty much feel (and I hate this word) triggered as fuck. So yeah, fuck this movie. I was so excited for a LESBIAN Christmas film! I mean, wow!! But no. It went down like a lead balloon with me.