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[–]yousaythosethings 17 insightful - 1 fun17 insightful - 0 fun18 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Is this one of those “controversies” that only exists on the Internet? I remember seeing a lot on Reddit about the lesbian obsession with gold stars, from bisexual women, men, and also other lesbians feeling excluded but does anyone care IRL if someone else is proud to be a gold star? Does anyone really feel excluded? I don’t personally care and I’m not a gold star. So many lesbian aren’t gold stars that it’s not like you’d really be outcasted. I’m thinking of also famous Lesbians on YouTube and how many of them are not gold stars (Rose Dix, Arielle Scarcella, etc.). Nobody cares and they don’t seem to either. So where’s the controversy?

Anyway, the only scenario that I recall that was a little bit controversial was someone saying they only want to be with a partner who is a gold star lesbian because they otherwise wouldn’t be able to respect their partner while in the next breath revealing that their girlfriend was bisexual or at least very much not a gold star. It was just weird with the juxtaposition of the statements she was making effectively meaning that she didn’t respect her existing partner and by her own words saw her as “weak.”

To be clear, i don’t care if someone only wants to date gold stars and I don’t care why that is. In this scenario it just had the appearance of being a kind of toxic relationship lacking in respect and honesty.