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[–]WildwoodFlower 12 insightful - 2 fun12 insightful - 1 fun13 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

I think the best way to reclaim "lesbian" is to keep using it the way it is meant to be used. I don't use "queer" or "dyke" myself. I am okay with other people using those words on a strictly in-house, in-group basis (the same way some African-Americans call themselves or each other the N-word), but I do get offended when I hear those words from straight people or the I-kissed-a-girl-once-when-I-was-drunk types. WLW might work online, but it sounds awkward when spoken out loud. It sounds like the name of a professional wrestling conglomerate. Sapphic? I don't find it offensive or inoffensive personally. But it seems more like a word that would describe a thing (i.e. a Sapphic sculpture) than a person, or a group of people. I do refer to myself as gay sometimes, although I know some people consider it a male-only term. It works for me in a cultural sense because I actually relate more to certain elements of gay culture than I do to lesbian culture. (For example, I would rather see a Broadway musical or go disco dancing than attend a womyn's music festival because the idea of camping in the woods makes me itch.)