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[–]NutterButterFlutterStill waving into the void[M] [score hidden] stickied comment (0 children)

This media source is reporting on a woman who met up with a man who killed her. The woman was allegedly trans (FTM), and we do not know about the alleged perpetrator.

While that sounds like it has literally nothing to do with us, technically, it can be shared because it's *The Advocate* virtue signaling for T. The Advocate was a primarily LGB publication in the past. There is nothing to suggest either the victim or perpetrator are victims of hate crimes for being LGB, so at this point, it's colonization of our resources and erasure.

I don't know if that was the intention of the post since the majority of users don't add flair to demonstrate their reason for sharing. Having been around a while, I guess it probably wasn't. Our mod team is willing to look past the individual though, so we all can see and understand the cause-and-effect.

PS: if you locate original journalistic sources or more details for the information shared here, please do let us know. TTTT-media is not reliable, it's just demonstrative.