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[–]lunarstrain 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

I've never been attracted to men, never had sex with one, and have no intention of trying to. It's interesting to hear of another woman who doesn't like to call herself a lesbian due to how the word has become warped. I usually refer to myself as a homosexual these days, gets the point across better.

I wonder if when they said "ok" with sleeping with men they meant like, "if there were a gun to my head" or "if I had to be a prostitute as to not die in the cold"? I don't think I could stomach it personally but perhaps some women are more able to momentarily put aside their feelings of disgust and discomfort in dire circumstances than I am. I don't think that makes them better than you or I, seems rather pointless in developed countries.

If they meant "ok" as in, "I can sleep with men if there's no women around and I need to get off" then that doesn't sound like a lesbian to me.

Edit: This comment was weird admittedly. It was an attempt to get her to recognize that "ok" doesn't equal "I love sleeping with men!", it was evident that the women referred to by fellow Saidit users weren't doing it for their own pleasure, rather remarking on the fact that they could if they had to and feeling societal pressure. I didn't bother reading the Ovarit thread, so that's why I added in the last part to cover my bases. In the process of trying to tiptoe around her emotions, it came across as rather elitist. My apologies.