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[–]tu_jode_mucho 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

The original concept to my understanding was to address bullying and advocate for the same respect and opportunities in non-sexual contexts. I recall when this was first a thing some people referencing studies that fat people were promoted less often at work and perceived to be less competent than their slimmer counterparts. And fat people do exist in great numbers in the west so advocating for more underwear/fashion options was a thing at the time too. I can get behind this because someone else's health isn't anyone's business, and one shouldn't be bullied if they want to slam burgers and fries everyday. And companies can choose whether to tap into the fat market or not. But of course the woke mob got a hold of it and bastardized it so now fat people are bitching at others for not wanting to date/fuck them which...not getting laid is no one else's business and absolutely not a civil rights concern.

[–]CancelPowerSuper Bi Male[S] 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I honestly, personally don't think that the solution to fat people getting bullied would be making fat people a protected class or whatever. I think the solution is to address their issues with therapy and help them lose weight because it's the healthy thing to do.

I also don't think fat people exactly want "fuck me or you are a bigot," I think it's more like "I'm fat, fat is beautiful, stop losing weight or working out, you should teach your children that fat is healthy, I'm healthy blah blah blah" which is an incredibly delusional thing to say. It's not good to spread misinformation, fat is not healthy, and fat people should lose weight and work to be healthy because whether they like it or not, their BMI decides. They shouldn't be bullied, that's for sure, but we shouldn't teach them that it's a good thing to eat and sleep without exercise either, we shouldn't enable them.

Fat activists became pretty scary, lately, I swear I'm seeing many people on social media advocating for letting kids eat whatever they want because not doing so would be "fatphobia" It's so ridiculous and dangerous.

All in all, I think we should stop working around people like those (TQ+, fat activists...etc) which is why we are here, and actually start pushing them to accept the reality with therapy and a healthy lifestyle that doesn't revolve around validating you and your underlying unaddressed issues.