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[–]yousaythosethingsFind and Replace "gatekeeping" with "having boundaries" 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I wonder if this community would benefit from a signs of sanity weekly thread? I think there have been a lot of positive indications lately that some meaningful discourse is breaking through the thick wall of censorship. I think some instances aren't as directly relevant to LGB to warrant their own post on here (e.g., the fruits of Lia Thomas), but obviously have implications for our community mission.

For example, for whatever reason I opened reddit today and at the top of my feed was this post on r/worldnews: Boris Johnson says he DOESN'T 'think that biological men should be competing in female sporting events' and children are 'not competent' to make decisions about their gender.

Here is an archived version. What I notice are general affirmations of support for LGBT stuff but people recognizing that there is something different about pediatric child transition and biological males in women's sports. I saw someone mention the forced transition of gay people in Iran.

Of course there are always the people who take shards of fact and piece them together to present the opposite conclusion as to what they mean. Like the commenter who suggested the fact that trans was removed from the conversion therapy ban bill means these discussions on trans issues are somehow a red herring, which completely ignores how it came to be that the bill covered "gay conversion therapy" but not "trans conversion therapy." Sometimes you can tell the conclusion they want people to draw through their muddying is that these contrary positions on trans issues are really about secretly eroding gay rights. Their efforts at forced teaming are ceaseless and infuriating.