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[–][deleted] 15 insightful - 1 fun15 insightful - 0 fun16 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

I also though that all cis girls just tolerated their chest and secretly wished they got cancer so they could remove them, or if not that, maybe I was just weird. It was even worse for me because my family completely ruined my body image, always telling me to lose weight and crap, and in the end I thought the only thing of value on my body were those damn things, so I felt obligated to "like" them.

Lots of girls go through self-hatred during that period because of the sexualization/objectification of our bodies. It's a shitty thing society does to girls. Especially for girls who are on the larger size and face a lot more judgement and sexualization because of it.

I remeber writing a text at 15 I think about how menstruation made me feel horrible, as if my body was betraying me and I couldn't control it

Ah yes, because we all just LOVE our periods so much and if you don't that means you're a man.

When you're a teenager with unrestricted internet access,

Parents, please, please supervise your children and restrict their internet access. They'll whine about it but it's better than them getting into shit. Whether it's gender ideology or incels or cults or just general grooming.

[–]CleverFoolOfEarth 9 insightful - 1 fun9 insightful - 0 fun10 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Lots of girls go through self-hatred during that period because of the sexualization/objectification of our bodies

Also, just because puberty fucking sucks. I was always the school weird kid, the sort that gets the lock on their locker smashed because "Hey freak! Do you got lizards in there, I saw you chasin' lizards after school" and have never been seen as a sex object (or an object of anything other than pity or ridicule for that matter) by anyone because janky proportions (think half-drowned squirrel but as a person and you're on the right track) plus being the weirdo who is always either reading a book or chasing a small wild animal tends to do that. Still fucking hated puberty and even now have body image issues that gender ideologues would consider gender dysphoria but in truth mostly are discomfort over being unnaturally weak because I have an absolutely janked metabolism.