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[–]yousaythosethingsFind and Replace "gatekeeping" with "having boundaries" 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Thanks for sharing. These are promising signs. I'm still waiting for the mainstream liberal media to take their fingers out of their ears. On a lighter note, I have to laugh that someone took the time to write a long comment that included this nugget:

Maybe a solution would be to entirely get rid of the gender classes in sports. Especially sports in which gender doesn't matter at all. A better classification would be athletic capabilities, the thing that actually matters when playing sports. That way, even cis athletes who have unfair advantages due to a variety of reasons (eg. Michael Phelps) will be put against people at their same skill level regardless of gender.

As if the only reason Michael Phelps hasn't had serious competition is because he hasn't been competing against women. I also snorted at the idea of a league for people who excel at a sport and a second league for those who are less good. Let's see how that works out for Major League Baseball and Minor League Baseball. Two leagues for men - yay, mission accomplished!

Maybe I didn't read down far enough but I was hoping to see near the top that what most people think of as men's sports leagues aren't even male-exclusive, just that women due to the differences of their female biology have prevented them from being able to perform at the level necessary to even warm the bench, which is why we have female sports leagues to begin with: gender neutral leagues are de facto male-only (e.g., the NBA, NFL, etc.). Liberal people, this is your out. Take it!