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[–][deleted] 11 insightful - 1 fun11 insightful - 0 fun12 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

"What bothers me is the assumption that a guy has to be at least a little bi to wanna be with a trans man. I find that invalidating. It invalidates my gender and it invalidates the sexuality of gay men who are into trans men. Like, I can totally understand liking dick. I love dick! Dick is great. I wish I had one. If someone who wouldn't date a trans man because of the lack of a dick also wouldn't date a cis man who'd lost his dick in a car accident, that seems fine to me. I mean, if dick is that important to you, fine, you do you. I'm not gonna call you a transphobe for that. But the whole "I wouldn't wanna be with a trans man because I am 100% homosexual" definitely implies that whoever said it doesn't see trans men as men."

I swear to God... Even the dude trying to talk about how most of people aren't fully het or homo is so off-topic. Like it will change anything in the debate. Dude just leave people have their spaces and date whoever the fuck they want to date. I don't even know what to say anymore. Why everything is so complicated when it's just about basic sexual attraction. You don't have to comfort to a "gender-role" so you can be "valid" you can just be you whitout all those labels and bullshit... I don't get it... Wtf are they trying to accomplish by destroying the meaning of words. Because if you bend them that much, they won't validate you anymore either sweetheart. This is a nightmare...