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[–]Horror-SwordfishI don't get how flairs work 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Maybe, but 13 years is still a long time. Not in the grand scheme of things, sure, but someone's character can change a lot in that amount of time, and if people aren't ever allowed to learn and grow from their mistakes (not necessarily saying that Boy George has, because I don't know him personally), then that's not great. For all we know, that whole thing could have been the result of untreated mental illness and he's since been getting treatment and doing better.

Personally, I'd go the route of looking at the original tweet and him talking about "opinions" while acting like he's speaking objective truths and "respect" while simultaneously disrespecting an entire group of people with the whole "if you don't like me having an opinion, you can fuck off" and just point out his hypocrisy that way.

Like, if you knew someone who had a psychotic break a decade ago and beat up their husband because they thought he was literally a demon from Hell coming to kill them, but they've been on medication and treatment and haven't had any issues since then, and they said something you disagreed with, would you just be like, "Yeah, well remember when you beat up your husband? That means everything you say from now on is completely worthless."

Just because Boy George is a celebrity doesn't mean he's not also a person, and I personally think it's harmful to act like it's okay to treat people a certain way just because they're in the public eye if you wouldn't treat someone you knew that way.