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There's a comments section for the article but I can't seem to find a way to access it. If anyone else can, I would much appreciate seeing it.

From the article:

Demand is rising in rich countries for this procedure, often rebadged as “top surgery” or “chest reconstruction” because even the word “breast” is seen as distressing for teenage girls and young women who want a masculine look.

Writing in the prestigious journal, Archives of Sexual Behavior, Melbourne psychiatrist Alison Clayton argues that transgender mastectomy may with time be seen as “dangerous medicine” like discredited past practices such as psychiatric lobotomy, which won a Nobel prize in 1949.

Article includes a great discussion about and comparison between the lobotomy movement and the medical transition movement. (Sometimes I wonder if we might've been able to prevent some of this harm by having better history lessons.)

Bonus: lying about the scientific basis for transitioning surgeries...

In that 2018 study, lead author Dr Olson-Kennedy said there was no previous data showing the effect of chest surgery on minors.

Yet three years before, she had already been promoting this procedure, claiming it was “easy, safe, available, and ‘absolutely lifesaving’,” Dr Clayton says in her peer-reviewed letter to Archives of Sexual Behavior.