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[–]PenseePansyBio-Sex or Bust 5 insightful - 2 fun5 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Chunkee... this is legit brilliant :) And it should feature an introduction reminding the audience that The Crucible isn't some safely-toothless exercise in quaintness, or applicable only to the witch trials/McCarthyism-- that the mind set it warns of is a timeless danger, and comes in many different forms. Some of them ostensibly "modern"/"open-minded"... and even "kind".

Really, I sometimes wonder if the arts are needed to help drive a stake through the TQ+'s heart-- fiction, poetry... another way to reach people, you know? And communicate our experience with this madness. To me, it goes so far beyond mere reason, or anything reminiscent of debate club; can you talk about abuse, and the hell it puts you through, in purely intellectual terms? As an abstraction? Because this whole thing, for most of us here, is VERY personal.

To wake everyone up from this nightmare, I think, we can't just tell them what we know... we need to make them feel what we feel.