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[–]oofreesouloo⚡super lesbian⚡[S] 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Thank you so much for your comment! <3 I feel much relieved and not alone rn. I really think the fact that I don't have any lesbian or bi girl friends doesn't help and makes me feel like I'm alone on this when apparently I'm not! I also think about that I can much easily relate to straight men but not when they do disgusting too over the top comments. I'm constantly wondering "are women like this too?????" because I feel like straight women are just so much more discreet and so soft with words that I truly don't know. But I feel really happy that you do not think less of me and think it's fine. That s a relief! Because this is not something I can control, I can repress it or not, but my body will react anyway. I'm so sorry that your friends reacted the way they did when you expressed your sexuality and I truly hope you can find friends where you can be yourself and, like me, stop repressing it! I really appreciated your comment, so thank you for wasting a little bit of your time to telling me that its okay <3 I love you in a friendly way 🥺 no homo hahahaha, just kidding :)

[–]reluctant_commenter 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

No problem!!! I'm really glad it helped!

I really think the fact that I don't have any lesbian or bi girl friends doesn't help and makes me feel like I'm alone on this when apparently I'm not!

I think that's the case! I think we're all just isolated from each other... 1) it's hard to find each other IRL and 2) it's really hard to talk about the issues we legitimately face, not just because some are personal but because the TQ movement has made the subject so touchy. I've talked a limited amount about experiences being LGB with a couple other lesbian/bisexual women but every time I do I almost feel like we're both being more reserved about it... I know I am super cautious about sharing my true opinions on LGB issues, because I've had people in the LGBTQ+ community get really angry at me before for saying the "wrong" stuff, lol.

because I feel like straight women are just so much more discreet and so soft with words that I truly don't know.

Yeah I kinda wonder if the socialization to "not seem like you're horny" works more effectively on some of them.

But I feel really happy that you do not think less of me and think it's fine. That s a relief! Because this is not something I can control, I can repress it or not, but my body will react anyway

Yup, exactly :)

I'm so sorry that your friends reacted the way they did when you expressed your sexuality and I truly hope you can find friends where you can be yourself and, like me, stop repressing it!

Thank you, I really appreciate it <3 aw no it wasn't a waste of time at all, I felt better after writing that! I love you in a friendly way too :) you made me crack up with the "no homo" comment LOL.