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[–]reluctant_commenter 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Last I think I was there I was told I’m privileged for being able to leave my marriage. Like no babe, I went actually went through the difficult stuff and worked hard to put myself in a position where I can be independent.

Respect for doing that. I think learned helplessness plays an important part in people's justification for why they don't leave shitty situations. It's scary to think about; it sounds like a ton of energy, and it is; and so people think, "That looks like a big hill, therefore I can't climb it." I'm not sure what the stigma against divorce is like among your age group, but I would imagine that would exacerbate the problem.

All in the context of a post from a woman justifying how she enjoys sex with her husband but is gay and can’t leave her marriage. I just can’t.

Lol, it's so utterly ridiculous.