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[–][deleted] [score hidden] stickied comment (1 child)

I'm going to leave this up, but let me explain.

This wasn't an LGB spa/bath, and this clip and the issue isn't relevant to our sub. It's adjacent to what we're doing here, but it's not our cause. This is more appropriate for a sub like s/GenderCritical, it has already been shared there a few times, and I would encourage users to go share their support there.

This was a Korean spa with sex-exclusive spaces (which allow nudity) as well as co-ed (which do not). Unfortunately, the degenerate perv is safe under California discrimination laws, as "gender identity" is a protected class here. The business and it's employees could not do anything unless the man violated other laws, and this video isn't evidence of whether he did or didn't.

The woman being recorded tried to imply that the white knight (no pun intended) was gay as a rebuttal to him saying he wouldn't care if nude women were in the men's space. So whether or not we agree with her stance on sex-segregated spaces, we also have to acknowledge she used homophobia as a weapon.

Now THAT is a cause we need to address.

[–]Rag3 17 insightful - 1 fun17 insightful - 0 fun18 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I thought the woman was countering the argument of "I wouldn’t care if a woman came into our spa area" by saying "if you were gay, you might care!"