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[–]PatsyStoneMaverique[S] 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I agree it's definitely the liberals behind new-age homophobia and conversion therapy,

We spend very little time "naming the agent" (to use the feminist phrase) when discussing all of these crazy straight women who think they're gay men, or think they're lesbians, or think they're pansexual genderqueers. It veers into misogyny too frequently, in my mind.

but from the looks of it some people here follow LGB Alliance or LGB Fights Back.

I want to hear more from people doing this!

Also, there do seem to be some people on here with a hate-boner for bisexuals which I find kind of embarrassing, but I suppose being the nature of the internet, we can't control the opinions of everyone who posts.

My main concern is defending my right to be here and to not obey people who think it's their place to order me around. I know my own life and I'm not stupid or deluded, let me speak. I can have a thick skin for disagreements if everyone else promises to do the same.

Definitely nothing enjoyable about this particular brand of misery, lol.

It sucks hard, I think we're all heavily burdened by it.

I guess, if we wanted to transform this sub for the better instead of just circlejerk posts, how would we do it? Maybe that could be something potentially worth brainstorming too.

Yes, yes, yes! I think another option would be to try experimenting with new types of posts to see what people respond to. I posted an Audre Lorde poem I've always felt deeply and no one bit, lol.