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[–][deleted] 30 insightful - 1 fun30 insightful - 0 fun31 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

I mean, I do agree this place is a massive circlejerk, but where else are we supposed to vent? Reddit? Tumblr? And there's only so much we can do on Twitter. None of us here have any major social or political capital.

But I think it's inaccurate to assume at least some of us aren't politically or socially active outside of this bubble. Personally I volunteer at the women's shelter nearest where I live, and LGBT orgs can be a minefield these days, but from the looks of it some people here follow LGB Alliance or LGB Fights Back.

I hate the straight liberal lobby as much as the religious right, they're the same brand of homophobic conversion therapist to me. I do agree when the tide turns and conservatives are back controlling the narrative and institutional power we will suffer because of it. But I'll still hate the backlash against LGB then as much as I hate what's going on now. Definitely nothing enjoyable about this particular brand of misery, lol. LGB Alliance is way far from perfect but at least it's the step in the right direction of people with organizing ability actually doing the organizing. The way I see it, hopefully more LGB orgs will be encouraged to form and brace against the inevitable conservative backlash.

I agree it's definitely the liberals behind new-age homophobia and conversion therapy, as well as corrupt medical professionals looking to extract as much $$$ from the current social climate as possible, consequences be damned. And I'd like to think there will be future consequences but unfortunately I think most will get away with it.

Also, there do seem to be some people on here with a hate-boner for bisexuals which I find kind of embarrassing, but I suppose being the nature of the internet, we can't control the opinions of everyone who posts.

Edit: I guess, if we wanted to transform this sub for the better instead of just circlejerk posts, how would we do it? Maybe that could be something potentially worth brainstorming too.

[–]PatsyStoneMaverique[S] 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I agree it's definitely the liberals behind new-age homophobia and conversion therapy,

We spend very little time "naming the agent" (to use the feminist phrase) when discussing all of these crazy straight women who think they're gay men, or think they're lesbians, or think they're pansexual genderqueers. It veers into misogyny too frequently, in my mind.

but from the looks of it some people here follow LGB Alliance or LGB Fights Back.

I want to hear more from people doing this!

Also, there do seem to be some people on here with a hate-boner for bisexuals which I find kind of embarrassing, but I suppose being the nature of the internet, we can't control the opinions of everyone who posts.

My main concern is defending my right to be here and to not obey people who think it's their place to order me around. I know my own life and I'm not stupid or deluded, let me speak. I can have a thick skin for disagreements if everyone else promises to do the same.

Definitely nothing enjoyable about this particular brand of misery, lol.

It sucks hard, I think we're all heavily burdened by it.

I guess, if we wanted to transform this sub for the better instead of just circlejerk posts, how would we do it? Maybe that could be something potentially worth brainstorming too.

Yes, yes, yes! I think another option would be to try experimenting with new types of posts to see what people respond to. I posted an Audre Lorde poem I've always felt deeply and no one bit, lol.

[–]reluctant_commenter 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Edit: I guess, if we wanted to transform this sub for the better instead of just circlejerk posts, how would we do it? Maybe that could be something potentially worth brainstorming too.

Late to this post, but just wanted to respond, in case you were looking for ideas. I have seen a few posts in the past about this.

I try to post news articles, and thoughtful essays; the news helps me feel connected with what other sane LGB people are up to, and the essays often spark interesting discussion and people here share stories that they might not have shared otherwise. I think discussion posts are good too! The kind of content that I think tends to get more circlejerk-y, is just one-off images of a single TQ supporter saying something stupid... it's like, ok, we already know the types of illogical and bigoted beliefs there are in gender identity ideology, cool. (But if it's a celebrity, or a post with tens of thousands of likes, saying something extremely stupid, then that may be worth posting; just, if it's a nobody with like 5 followers, I don't really get the point.)