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[–]Femaleisnthateful 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I think of 'pansexuality' as being one of the weapons queer theory uses to deconstruct 'cisheteronormativity' (my spellcheck doesn't like that one, either). Notice how every young female celebrity is coming out as 'pan'? Jojo Siwa was a lesbian for 5 minutes before declaring she was 'pan'. She's 17.

Moreoever, 'pansexuality' seems to be the sexual undergirding of 'polyamory', which queer theory is pushing hard to legitimize as an identity. I see polyamory as part of a men's sexual rights movement, since the women I know who get involved in this always seem to have a history of low self-esteem and relationship trauma, and seem to be trying to force themselves to make it work and pretend they like it. I never see one female with multiple males in these relationships; it's always the other way round.

Anyway, I'm off on a tangent, but yes, I agree with you that pansexuality is really about delegitimizing sex-based identities and sexual orientation, and thereby breaking down boundaries.