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[–]orangina5 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

i think we're "born this way" but there's a massive surge in "validity" if you turn something into some essentialist, biological reality. Gay males literally have brains physically different from that of heterosexual males. I dont think they chose that. But you never see a stable asexual community. They just want to use our infrastructure and community and "stabilize" themselves at our expense. Sexual orientation is a very serious category that determines a lot about you politically, socially, where you fit in with your culture, your circumstances. And yeah, you're "born that way" but if you allow asexuality in there, then you allow the "demisexual", "sapiosexual" and the 600 other narcissistic labels in there as well. Theyre not trying to be your friends. Theyre going to turn everything into a shit show to indulge their narcissism. They just dont want eyerolls when you say, "i cant help it. im just attracted to smarter men. im "born that way".