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[–]hellonumpty 29 insightful - 6 fun29 insightful - 5 fun30 insightful - 6 fun -  (1 child)

Their view of liberation just tickles me.

I think for people who've had to hide their sexuality and couldn't openly love their person, ''assimilation'' is indeed liberation. To be able to walk down the street while holding your person's hand? Build a life together. Have the option to marry them and start a family? Sure can be liberating.

But I understand how a straight woman whose never had any problems having these things would look at this as boring because she could do all these things all along. And this is a common pattern with self proclaimed ~radical~ queers.

She has to find other ways to be ~radical~ but the reality is same sex couples settling down in affluent neighbours with their white picket fences and boring but stable jobs are still more radical than blue haired girl-fags. 😬

(same sex couples settling down in affluent neighbours with white picket fences and boring but stable jobs is genuinely how they see people in same sex relationships if we aren't being obnoxious online 24/7)

[–]yousaythosethingsFind and Replace "gatekeeping" with "having boundaries" 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

This is dead on. Back when I was on Reddit I came across these types of people all the time in “lesbian” spaces, and they looked exactly how you’d expect them to look. Not to mention for people who claimed to be so marginalized, oppressed, and in fear of their daily lives, they sure like to document the intimate details of their lives openly on the Internet along with copious photos (including nude photos with their faces visible) and other identifying details, including on one occasion linking their Etsy shop for “LGBTQ” fetish gear.

They’re not homosexual but they love to talk about how being “queer” and “gay” are inherently subversive. As if the gay rights movement hasn’t been about participation in existing institutions not tearing them down. I got called a bootlicker for calling that out. I asked if Edie Windsor and Thea Speyer were bootlickers and of course they had no response because they have no idea who they are. But ofc we’re bootlickers unless we’re promoting their Antifa/ACAB/BLM/queer agenda. Meanwhile they’re the ones setting up the corporatized pride events.

Seriously, the the Pride events in my area are run by fetishist/polyamorous types. How do I know? Because their profiles on their pages reveal that those are the other groups/events they participate in. These homophobes’ idea of homosexuality is that it is akin to a fetish/kink like the ones they have.