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[–]orangina5 12 insightful - 1 fun12 insightful - 0 fun13 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

the infighting is caused by genuine and real issues that we never address. and then it's strategically exploited when it's ignored. i genuinely think the community should just be about humanizing same sex attraction and thats it. everything else, the heterosexuals can take care of.

even in the old days, everyone piled on to gay rights in the stupidest way possible. pedophiles did the whole "how can gay men want equal rights and complain theyre discriminated against because of their sexuality and ignore our sexuality: pedophilia?" then it took gays and lesbians both ganging up on them to push them out (they had enough power to burn down the whole community) then communists and anarchists would come in and explain we must invest all our energy into their movements first because it would help liberate us. it just keeps going and going.

just look at women's liberation. a woman cant take a single step without 500 ideologies telling her to invest in other things becuase "we're all in this together". thats how you end up with the largest march in human history, the woman's march during donald trump's presidency with 99.999% white women being lectured to by a man...louis farrakhan. A man whose entire career was spent saying the downfall of black society is the fault of the black woman because she disrupted patriarchy and made them weak and basically blamed slavery on them. That guy was there to be a speaker lol Our shit show isnt exclusive to us but when you dont agree on your goals, then this is what happens.

And now womens organizations are actively pushing for AGP straight men as if theyre now the leaders of womankind.

[–]fijupanda 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Preach! It's a circus show it is what it is truth be told.

Wait a minute... FARAKHAN was giving a lecture at the women's march?! omfg!!!! Just... Ugh. Ugh. vomits a bit inside my mouth. Wow, just wow. Why am I even surprised at this point?!

Meh, my deepest, solemnest part of my soul says it is is useless by now. Let it happen what will happen. I gave enough of my time and energy for the so called good causes but at this point I've reached all of my limits. Jumping on all of the bandwagons serves absolutely nobody but some parasites somewhere way above who stand for nothing and nobody in particular but a profit yet again. And the sheeple keep on doing what sheeple do. Shrugs.

[–]orangina5 8 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 0 fun9 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

i dont think it should demoralize you. it just means gatekeeping is necessary. and it should help you appreciate that yes, most people are "sheep" but that increidbly small groups can hijack other groups. you can use it for good or evil. i think the magical, missing link from all human cultures that creates this rotting stench is we lack a necessary part in the alchemy of our culture: shaming and humiliating people who take advantage of other's empathy and humanity.

The more people's humanity, kindness and compassion are exploited and taken advantage of, the more you humiliate people's compassion out of them and make them feel stupid for even giving it to the world. and then they slowly turn into conservatives. im a liberal but liberalism is way too open minded. we need to start guarding people's hearts when they start opening them up to others.