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[–]CuteAsDuck 10 insightful - 1 fun10 insightful - 0 fun11 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

You say we can AT LEAST accept them as men and women, but that itself has caused the current issues we are in?

No, it didn't and you know this well.

You're right, actually. Lazy summer denies casualty, and the effect going along with "preferred pronouns" has had on where we are right now.

Calling a man a woman, and a woman a man is the first step one takes towards denying the reality of sex itself. The irony is lazy summer knows humans are mere bags of meat, which follows there is nothing special about humans, consciousness is a product of the brain, there is no "soul", etc, but they throw that logic out the window when it comes to the "trans" issue. They all of a sudden believe people can be born in wrong bodies, that a man can be born in a woman's body or a woman can be born in a man's body:

Screenshot in case their comments get deleted or edited:

Maybe that's the source of your problem, champ. I don't believe they're lying at all. I think it is possible for someone to be born in body of wrong sex.

We say no such things for other conditions. Consider an anorexic, who feels they are fat eventhough they aren't, and hates their body. No therapist would claim the anorexic is "a fat individual born in an average/thin body", "an average/thin individual with a brain that is structured like the brain of fat people", etc.

Nor would they treat anorexia by telling them to go on a diet or undergo surgery to remove more fat, even if the anorexia is an extreme case.

But they do and say such things for "gender dysphoria", which is as much of a "mental illness"/"disorder" as anorexia is. Why? Because they do not care about "gender dysphoric" people. They do not want to treat them. They want to push their sexist agenda, and hide behind fake kindness such as "respect their identity!" to do so.

Another issue is, lazy summer does not provide any proof that a woman can be born in the body of a man, or a man can be born in the body of a woman (there is no such proof). The only way that could be possible would be if the "soul" of a man went into the body of a woman, or the "soul" of a woman went into the body of a man, and for that lazy summer needs to prove there is a "soul" in the first place, and the "soul" can be sexed, which contradict their previous statements that humans are nothing special/nothing but bags of meat.

If they refer to "male" and "female" brains, then it is impossible for a female brain to exist within the body of a man, or for a male brain to exist within the body of a woman. Every single cell of a "trans woman"'s brain is male, which means the brain is male, and every single cell of a "trans man"'s brain is female, which means the brain is female. It makes no sense for every part of a man or a woman to be male or female respectively, except their brain. Even if studies find that the brains of "trans men" are similar in structure to the brains of men, and the brains of "trans women" are similar in structure to the brains of women, that does not mean "trans men" have male brains, or trans women have female brains, the same way eventhough men are biologically taller than women on average, a woman that is taller than most men is not "a male born in a female body", or "a female with a male height".

The conversation with lazy summer has proven to be thoroughly unproductive and a waste of time and energy, so I'm not bothering with them anymore. However, I did want to share I am in agreement with you. Lazy summer is a pseudo-intellectual, not experienced in the use of logic, so the only way they get people to entertain their false ideas is through appeal to emotion fallacies (e.g. "it's disrespectful to call a man a man!"), and pulling on their heartstrings instead of providing facts to back any of their claims.