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[–]Horror-SwordfishI don't get how flairs work 17 insightful - 1 fun17 insightful - 0 fun18 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

I mean, you'd think that coming to that realization would snap this poor girl out of it - she's basically so close to understanding that she'll never be an actual man but somehow just comes to the conclusion that her life is shitty because she wasn't born a man. I wish there was some way to break through to someone like this, and tell them that they do have a childhood, they do have memories, they can have children and tell them about the first time they fell in love with another woman... I get that sometimes accepting yourself is hard, especially as a teen, but it doesn't have to be this way. How can she not see that going on hormones and trying to live life as a man instead of as a lesbian woman is going to bring her nothing but more pain?

I await with great anxiety the stories that will be told a decade from now.

[–][deleted] 13 insightful - 1 fun13 insightful - 0 fun14 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

agreed with everything here, and it's honestly no wonder so many become more suicidal after transitioning. I suppose it's easy to believe in the fantasy that after hormones and surgeries there is a life available to live as the authentic you, only to become clearer and clearer as time goes on that no matter what chemicals or procedures are done to your body, it is in fact still a fantasy.

I fantasize about being a man. Doesn't change the fact I'm not one, and that I'll never be one. I hate how it's become expected to feed these warped views of reality of clearly mentally ill people. How many lives is this destroying that we don't know about.