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[–]BEB 10 insightful - 1 fun10 insightful - 0 fun11 insightful - 1 fun -  (5 children)

Good- I'll remember your gratitude when the excesses of gender ideology turns huge swathes of the world back to overt homophobes and laugh rather than try to help you escape from the mob that wants to beat you into a pulp.

[–]simpliyoot 4 insightful - 4 fun4 insightful - 3 fun5 insightful - 4 fun -  (4 children)

You're threatening apathy? The same apathy that you practiced before? Were you even alive when this supposed "favour" was done? Or did you read about it somewhere, forgot it was exclusively lesbians, your homophobia kicked up and you're somehow trying to collect a favour from all "gay-kind"? Im not sure if you're stupid, or if you think gay people are stupid. Gays And Lesbians have a troubled past because Gays feel the overwhelming majority of lesbians were helping carry your heterosexual homophobic asses and doing all the work for YOU with the rape crisis centers, the anti abortion movements, divorce and alimony payment legislation...just non stop homosexual female (lesbian) activism carrying your water for you while you were busy pretending to do god knows what. You're very well known to be a walking disaster and parasite to gay and lesbian movements and energy.

So, after Lesbians basically broke their backs helping you (and this is where gays have their gripe with lesbians), what exactly did you help them with in return? How did you help out with the "homosexual" part of their identity when they helped you with all the heterosexual parts of your identity? Practically nothing. Gay men had to fetishize themselves as fun, lovable accessories and emotional labour support for straight women and lesbians had to fetishize and dehumanize themselves into "fun" bimbos to counteract the "theyre going to collapse western civilization" bullshit.

And we KNOW the deep, psychotic levels of homophobia you go through. You just constantly keep forgetting you're literally a heterosexual. What you just pulled is the equivalent of "oh! so thats what YOU think? well, then im joining the KKK immediately!" thats not the sign of a stable person. You've already had KKK levels of homophobia within you. And what you said is the equivalent of me saying, "i'll remember your lack of gratitude as the straight men begin raping you and laugh rather than help you escape the men who want to slice your neck"... again, the fact that you think we dont see what you are is a joke. We've met PLENTY of your kind. No one is indebted to you for something you never did..dont try to revise gay/lesbian history, we've been through this before with transexuals, antifa anarchists, everyone else. To gays and lesbians, you're not an oppressed woman first. You're a heterosexual. And how are we supposed to align ourselves with you in your fantasy military war general scenario where you think you're building some armada but the gays you tried to recruit find you to be an idiot because your analysis sucks. You dont even understand that heterosexism is causing all these innocent children to transition, and not "gender ideology". You're probably not even aware 90% of these transexuals are heterosexual men and women. You're too busy hyper focusing on "the big bad evil men", which can sometimes be accurate but everyone rolls their eyes when people like you see an asteroid coming to wipe out all life on the planet and call it sexist because it's going to kill all women.

oh, im sure some heterosexual men have helped you with your feminist campaigns in the past (which im sure you barely contributed to). Do you feel like you owe heterosexual men and then accept them as normal sane people when they threaten rape or death when you dont show "gratitude"? Or does it end up just validating every single thing you thought about them.

[–]lovelyspearmintLesbeing a lesbian 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

Welcome back, exponent2. Already get sick of your new alt?