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[–][deleted] 22 insightful - 1 fun22 insightful - 0 fun23 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

I don't know, the 2 goth women I know still play around with the identity stuff. They both identify as lesbians, but are dating men. Regular straight men, not even men pretending to be women. I don't think goth and other identity stuff is mutually exclusive, sadly.

[–]oofreesouloo⚡super lesbian⚡ 22 insightful - 1 fun22 insightful - 0 fun23 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

It honestly baffles me why would a woman tell they're a lesbian when they're clearly not? I mean, I say I'm a lesbian because I'm exclusively attracted to women, that's it. It confuses the shit out of me to see people using labels as some sort of accessory and without actually caring about their meaning which is why words exist??!

[–][deleted] 18 insightful - 14 fun18 insightful - 13 fun19 insightful - 14 fun -  (1 child)

Because they feel like lesbians. I asked one of them what she meant and she talked about using a strap on with her boyfriend being a lesbian thing.

[–]AugustiJade 10 insightful - 5 fun10 insightful - 4 fun11 insightful - 5 fun -  (0 children)

That's the most hilarious thing I've read today 🤣