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[–]plenty_water 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Yes. Same trajectory. I think it's the case for many of us, since this really wasn't a big deal up until 2015. Before then, I didn't give a shit about trans people because 99.9% of the time that category consisted of formerly (or...currently) gay males. That demographic did not intersect with me, my dating pool, or my life in any way. I was like. Sure, whatever. Don't give a shit. Use the bathroom. But now it's different. Now they do pose a threat. It's straight males "identifying" as women, its the hemorrhaging of butch, gender non-conforming, and even...just..plain old lesbians, it's the transing of children, it's the reification of gender stereotypes, it's the pushing of boundaries, the eradication of spaces, the witch-hunting and demonization, it's A-Z fucking annoying and illogical. And now, here I am, jaded and critical of gender and of gender dysphoria. Although I have more respect for traditional tranSEXUALS, the demented nature of the queer movement has unveiled to me the illegitimacy of transgenderism in totality. Before, I didn't give a second thought to whether I believed being trans was real. I just accepted it. Now, I've thought about it in depth to the point that it's probably unhealthy because this whole thing makes me so angry. Now I'm certain that gender dysphoria is a mental condition that is produced by underlying factors such as OCD, trauma, and/or the immense pressure one places on oneself when they feel uncomfortable with the identifications they force themselves into. Dysphoria can be resolved through mindfulness and therapy - methods that are non-invasive, physically painless, and less of less exorbitant cost. Long story short, if this movement hadn't gone bat-shit crazy I would never had to have thought about it so in depth and come to the conclusions that I have arrived to that made me reverse on my former position. So to any TRAs angrily reading this: You're a bunch of fucking morons and go fuck yourselves. BYE