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[–]Happy_Blueberry3910[S] 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

One of the comments:

Wait, so you knew about all this shit on the 9th and did nothing?

and another:

Stop calling it doxxing when the person in question was literally a political candidate, making them a public figure. You guys are so full of shit honestly.

one more:

Reddit was perfectly willing to let /r/jailbait continue to exist until the news got wind of it. Sounds like you were operating perfectly to your own standards.


She's not Voldemort, just say her fucking name, you cowards.

and the last one:

Bring back the subs for women you banned, such as PCOS, and the sub for ovarian cancer, because apparently, talking about an ovary is hate speech. The lesbian sub. Bring back all the women centered subs, that we know, YOU removed, because this person was actively involved in their removal.

Talking about cervical cancer is not an attack or phobic on anyone.Talking about menstrual cycles is not an attack, or phobic, or hate speech. It should not result in people getting banned, doxxed, and canceled.

Being a lesbian is not phobic. Being a straight woman is not phobic. Being a bisexual woman is not phobic.