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[–]panderichthys 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

1) Are you monogamous or polygamous/polyamorous? Why?

I am neither (celibate for non-religious/non-medical reasons). I would likely be monogamous however, only because any potential partners would also be monogamous.

2) If you are monogamous, what are your thoughts on polygamous/polyamorous people or lifestyle? If you're polygamous/polyamorous, what are your thoughts on monogamous people or lifestyle?

I have no strong feelings towards either lifestyle, though I do pity polyamorous people for getting so much shit from both sides. I suppose my views are influenced by antinatalism, as the concerns surrounding polyamory are much fewer with no children involved.

I also see no issue with polygyny in its most basic sense: a man with multiple wives. I believe most people view it as wrong simply because of the religious/women-as-property ties.

3) Have you tried living the reverse lifestyle (ex. If you're polyamorous, have you tried living monogamously with your partner and vice versa?)


4) Is an open relationship considered polyamorous? And what are your thoughts on that?

Yes...? Otherwise, what's the point of calling it an open relationship? A possible exception are couples in an open relationship who have yet to take on additional partners, but polyamorous people in general need not be in a relationship with more than one person for all time to be considered polyamorous, sooo

5) How do you feel about polygamy being a part of the LGBTQIA+?

Definitely not on its own merit; however, as I always say, any group of people can be LGB if they are at all same-sex attracted. In traditional polygyny, there is typically no sexual relationship between the wives, and the men are almost always straight, so the people involved are unlikely to be members of the LGB. But the same does not apply to more "modern" forms of polyamory.

6) Who out of the LGBT and straight included do you feel is most likely to be monogamous vs polygamous/polyamorous?

Could be an even split. LGB people are more likely to be in closed-circle polyamory (as in, all members are involved with each other to some degree) in general, but more straight people exist, so the numbers should come up to about the same.