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[–]QueenOfTheNorthSuperLesbian[S] 12 insightful - 1 fun12 insightful - 0 fun13 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Out of a college with 4000+ students, you kind of have to make some quick decisions about who you want to approach and connect with. I tend to stay clear of men in general but as a lesbian I do feel safer around GNC men than macho men in my age group, I would never go up to your typical "lad" and try to be friends because there would be no similarities there. So if I want male friends I go for people who aren't intimidating. It's not gender based, and I have always befriended more nerdy boys and been great friends with them throughout my life. With women I think the way they dress and express themselves can be really interesting and cool, so I talk to people with a good fashion sense initially because it makes for an ice breaker about their clothes. Neither of these things used to be a problem and as someone who's pretty shit socially, both of these tactics work in finding people who I can relate to on some level. How am I supposed to psychically know who's interesting out of that many students? Only now, all of a sudden, the people who I used to try to be friends with are usually NB and I just find that exhausting. I feel like at that point they're drank the coolaid and there's no basis for connection.