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[–]winterwillow 35 insightful - 5 fun35 insightful - 4 fun36 insightful - 5 fun -  (0 children)

Well they always tried to hide their hatred of homosexuality so it's nice to watch them have to put it out there in the open that they actually think only dating 'cis-people' is hating trans people. Like thanks for being honest.

Another thing I've thought about when it comes to this is that the compromise most TRA's seems to agree on is that genital preference is valid, but it's transphobic to assume someone's genitals and not to see trans people as their gender.

That's a very effective way to shame people, because many transpeople (especially AGP's) don't pass. So lesbians/gay men get told it's valid to have a 'genital preference', but most LG's know deep down that the reason they don't want to date a trans person isn't because of 'attraction to genitals' in the first place, it's because they don't see, for example, transwomen as women and rightly assume they have male genitalia. So while TRA's assure people that yes it's valid, they also at the same time always make sure to install shame in people for not being sexually attracted to both sexes.

I think this shame might cause lesbians/gay men to double down on the TWAW, etc in public because they remain a 'T*RF in the sheets' so to speak and are made to feel guilty for it. (This goes for bi people too of course, but it seems like TRA's have given up the bi/pan thing and just assume anyone with those labels will date any 'gender'.)